Update on statuses

Do I look happy? You bet I am after a round of archery practice in the backyard with my new PSE "Stalker" recurve.
MAHFS photo by Erin Arnold
By Mac Arnold
MAHFS Editor
Am I back? Well, not all the way for sure but I had my long-awaited recurve delivered today from The Sportsman Guide and feel like I'm walking on air.
It's not some rage-of-the-market bow by any means but I have to believe anything PSE for a little more than $100 is a pretty good deal.
So good a deal I couldn't help myself and I swapped all the elements to it from the dead Aim Rite one I had with its broken limb in the corner of the bedroom.
And since it looked so nice in its new-found glory I thought I should see how well the "Stalker" would zing home-made wooden arrows.
Pssssssstttt. By the way, don't tell my doctor though.
Of course it was all pulling at below shoulder level with very little recoil so no pain and plenty of gain.
In fact, the shoulder most disturbed was the other one I had repaired nearly two years ago.
Oh well, I can't seem to win.
The best part is now I have some outdoor entertainment again. Just have to watch that I don't overdo it, which is a Mac MO.
Another week has gone by and still no report from West Virginia on my father-in-law, who is presumed to have drowned after falling into the Monongahela River on Feb. 28 while fishing from a dock.
Apparently, search and recovery officials have regularly scoured the Mon and still have come up empty.
Now the thinking is he went through the next set of locks and dam and into Pennsylvania.
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