Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weekend thoughts

By Mac Arnold
MAHFS Editor

Couple of quick thoughts:

I'm finding despite losing the recurve to a fatal limb break that I rather enjoyed Monday's backyard shoot with the Martin compound.

For under $200 from The Sportsman's Guide, seems like it's almost a steal, yet I'm still waiting for the next shoe to drop.

As far as the season starting, I'm ready, which is scary. There are still two full months to go. It's amazing how a few viewings of the Primos "Big Bucks" videos will crank you up a notch.

But there are a few seasons ahead of the bow opener that will keep me distracted until Oct. 1.

One of the more amazing thoughts though that came my way while watching a Kansas hunt on Versus was how nice one of those Matthews Z-7 bows looked in their ads, never mind the $900 to $1,000 price tag. It seems fairly easy to throw around the tax refund in empty thought even though that's even farther away at nearly seven months.

The reality is there many other needs that come before a screamer bow like that in the Arnold household and I bet the Martin, given a full season, will drop a whitetail or two this fall.


The next quick hitter came during Babe Winkleman's show on Versus during a merriam's turkey hunt with his wife and three daughters last year.

He said, "Hunting is a family affair," which for the most part I agree with but just doesn't seem go that way me. I guess I should add "yet" to that equation.

Most of my hunting endeavors are of the lone wolf nature.

Zackie occasionally joins me, usually during early goose or for woodcock in September, when the weather is nicer.

But I imagine that will all change once he can hoist his own shotgun at a target.


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